400 +

Completed Batch

100 +

Satisfied Clients

300 +

Successful Program

Welcome to DCAN

Defence Career Academy Nepal (CAN) is an iconic institution and hallmark of national excellence in the sphere of preparing candidates for national defence systems. dCAN is an educational and training institution dedicated on providing quality at entry levels which is focused on training and skills to the aspiring candidates who wish to see themselves serving in the national defence system. Over the years, it has emerged as a unique preparation academy for military services, attracting the best of youth from our nation and transforming them into defence officers.

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Admission Procedure
in dCAN

All students seeking admission to dCAN will be required to appear in the following areas:

About us

DCAN Mission and Values

Mission Value

We are committed to providing every defence aspirant a top-rated learning experience using innovative concepts, technologies, corporate and modern practices with a high standard of integrity so that they can achieve their destiny in the defense forces with greater success. The learning experience at dCAN will engage, enrich and empower them to achieve excellence in career and in life.

We envision making dCAN Nepal's No. One Defence Career Institute. dCAN will be the pioneer training institution and centre for excellence for preparing high standard workforce required in different defence services in the country.

Our Awesome team

In regard to using gym work experience to help with my college course I was able to do so. I would attend and participate.

Some reviews from our honorable student.

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